About us

With years of experience in lab instrument qualification and operations, LabLife was founded in 2024 by a complementary duo named Tom and Elynn. They launched LabLife with a sharp focus on innovation, aiming to assemble the perfect team to enhance lab equipment qualification and operations.

Qualification Excellence

Our team of qualified professionals specializes in qualifying a diverse range of laboratory equipment including their software, ensuring they meet regulatory standards and operate at optimal performance levels. Our thorough and systematic approach guarantees the reliability of your critical equipment.

Operational Support

Beyond qualification, LabLife provides extensive operational support to enhance the overall efficiency of your laboratory. From master data management to data integrity support, our team works collaboratively with yours to streamline operations, reduce downtime, and maximize productivity.

Our expertise

LabLife is on a mission to be the catalyst for laboratory success, serving as the trusted partner laboratories rely on for comprehensive solutions that seamlessly bridge the gap between regulatory compliance and operational excellence. We achieve this by attracting the right talent, prioritizing valuable internal training, and providing close support backed by our extensive experience.


Our Mission

Continuous Improvement

In the ever-evolving landscape of laboratory sciences, LabLife is committed to continuous improvement. We stay ahead of industry trends to offer innovative solutions that keep your laboratory at the forefront.

Chromatography Expertise

Our chromatography expertise is the result of years of dedicated focus and hands-on experience in the field. Our team's commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements and continuous training ensures that we bring a depth of knowledge to every chromatographic analysis, providing our clients with precise and reliable results.

Managed Services

With extensive experience in managed services, we have honed our skills in capacity management, knowledge management, task management, budget management, and project management over the years. Our chosen management tool, Monday.com, has been successfully implemented and managed by our team. Through Monday.com, we have automated workflows and crafted real-time dashboards, ensuring transparent and efficient reporting processes.

What sets us apart

The LabLife team is composed of experienced professionals with a shared dedication to quality, compliance, and operational efficiency. Get to know the individuals who bring their expertise to every project.
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Meet Our Team of Experts